3 Essentials for Software Design

1. Your Toolbox: Design Patterns In software design, design patterns are an essential toolbox to ensure your code is broken down into small independent units. This toolbox gets filled one-by-one, a single design pattern at a time. Since the tools can be used in different combinations, quickly the toolbox owner becomes more effective in creating a design that is focused on minimum effort and risk. This is especially true if you write or support software in a team. First you must ensure the tasks - and thus the code - are broken down into independent units. Common symptoms that arise when this is not properly done: engineers waiting on each other code to complete, functionality duplication, merge conflicts, the work of member "a" breaks the work of member "b" (regression bugs), incoherent interfaces - e.g. getX, doWriteX, deleteById; while much more coherent interface would be: readX-writeX-deleteX, or getX-updateX-deleteX. The second issue is in supporting (r...